WELCOME to our new “Current News” blog! We will be presenting news and information on the workings of your Water District here. Please remember that this is a public forum so please do not submit any billing or account questions as they are handled by simply calling the LCWD office.

The following email has been created for your questions, comments and ideas: webeditor.lcwd@att.net

We thank you and hope that you will visit our website often for current updates and accurate news from the source!

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Message from outgoing LCWD President, Julie McWhorter

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Director 2009-2013, acting President since 2012, and President for the past year.

It has been quite a journey filled with great accomplishments, a significant highlight of my community service, and I sincerely appreciate the support I received from so many members of the community and the LCWD staff and board members.

Our Accomplishments  

I want to thank everyone that contacted us, visited the office, called me and stopped me in town to thank me and the LCWD Board and staff for the great work and all the accomplishments we made in such a short amount of time. Your expressions of appreciation made our hard work and extra effort worthwhile.  Thank you!

In just a year and 3 months, the Lebec County Water District has accomplished the following:

  • LCWD is now California State Compliant on all Working Wells
  • LCWD is now OSHA Compliant with Cages, Hatches and Safety Equipment
  • All Water Tanks are in the process of being cleaned, with half completed to date – a service we don’t believe has been conducted in our almost 50 year history.  
  • A New Truck was purchased and new facilities were set up. 
  • A Website was created to keep customers informed that now offers “BILL PAY” service to make paying water bills more convenient.
  • New Tools and equipment were purchased to make delivering water service more efficient.
  • A Grant for a New Well is almost completed with 100% no payback possible.
  • The Books are Balanced - something the former management group and board could not accomplish.  It was a monumental task. 

We have nearly $250,000 in the Bank.  A far cry from the balance left by the old board. This is due primarily to the decision to manage the district and oversee all procedures rather than outsourcing the management services to a company at a cost of $27,000 per month.  This significant change was at no cost to the district.

Grateful to an Exceptional Staff

I would like to personally thank Debbie Bechtel for her dedication and commitment to correcting the multitude of problems left by the prior LCWD Board. If not for her, my job would have been considerably more difficult.

Thank you to Rafael for all his hard work and dedication to making our district run more efficiently than it ever has in the past.

Thank you to Anthony, one of our newest team members and second water operator. His strong work ethic has assisted the district in accomplishing all the system improvements that are in place today.

Thank you to Amanda, who is a daily joy to work with, for her dedication to keeping the LCWD office running smoothly and ensuring that every customer is treated fairly and professionally.

Best wishes to the LCWD staff, board members and the incoming president.  I look forward to seeing them continue to succeed in making improvements in our water system in the coming years.

Julie McWhorter